Campfire waffleswith a great topping


Campfire waffleswith a great topping

Freshly made, crispy waffles right from the campfire, taste heavenly. Enjoy the twilight hour and the heat from the flames. Be in the moment, be together. Even impress with a great and decorative topping on the campfire waffles. For example, a combination of the forest’s wild berries and maple syrup. Here in Norway, we would also have added a slice of brown, caramelized cheese, and a blob of sour cream or créme fraîche. That tastes unbelievably wonderful!


  • 4 eggs
  • 2 dl (1 cup minus 1 Tbs) sugar
  • 7 dl (3 cups) kefir (fermented milk)
  • 1/2 dl (3.5 Tbs) water
  • 6 dl (2.5 cups) flour
  • 1 tsp cardemom
  • 150 gr (3/4 cup) butter, melted


Whisk the egg and sugar together lightly. Stir in, alternately, the kefir and flour. Mix in the cardamom and water. Add the melted butter at the end. It would be an advantage to make the batter indoors before lighting the campfire. That would allow the batter to swell until the campfire is ready.

Final tip

Great topping

With a creative and tasty topping, the waffle is transformed into a small piece of art. Give each waffle heart a small spoon of fresh sour cream or créme fraîche. Serve with a dash of colorful cloudberry jam. Blueberries and maple syrup are also a fine combination. Or a mixture of wild berries. Voila!

Norwegians love homemade cloudberry jam. Some pick the cloudberries and
make it themself. Alternatively, we can buy cloudberries in most grocery storesf fresh, frozen, or readymade jam, dependent upon season. In any case, wild berries and campfire waffles go together.

Enjoy yourself with the waffles!

Products use in this recipe

Waffle Iron
Waffle Iron

Waffle Iron

Regular price $49.00
Sale price $49.00 Regular price
Campfire Pan 60
Campfire Pan 60

Campfire Pan 60

Regular price $449.00
Sale price $449.00 Regular price